Initial meeting

At the initial interview, we discuss the problem and the symptoms. We decide whether we will work psychotherapeutically to eliminate the symptom or analytically and therefore look for deeper causes. We determine the frequency of the meetings, it is recommended to work at least 1 time a week or more in case of analysis.

The unconscious

Because of the work with the unconscious, regular frequency of meetings is extremely important. The unconscious parts of the psyche are approached through dreams, symbols, archetypes, active imagination, mythology. Through analysing symbols, we approach developmental blockages, complexes and repressed contents.

Estimated length

This is usually a long process of working on yourself through talking to a therapist. It presupposes attending therapy for several years (2-7 years) in order to process unconscious contents. Wholeness, according to Jung, is linked to the notion of individualisation, which is a lifelong process and continues even after the end of therapy.

Jungian psychotherapy/analysis is also known as analytical psychology and is a form of psychotherapy developed by the Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist Carl Gustav Jung.

The aim of psychotherapy is to help the client to a better understanding of themselves, and the removal of blockages is usually linked to the processing of complexes in our personal unconscious. The therapy results in a better flow of life energy in the body and a greater connection with oneself. The process is linked to Jung's idea of individualisation and becoming "who we really are". Individualisation happens throughout life and does not end when the therapeutic work stops. An important part of the psychoanalytic therapeutic process is the relationship that is established between the therapist and the client, which allows the client to resolve the frictions and blockages in his or her own psyche through conversation. Trust is the basis and the beginning of any therapeutic work.

I divide Jungian psychotherapy into two parts: psychotherapy and analysis. The work on the self usually starts because of a recurrent symptom (insomnia, depression, fears, relationship problems, feelings of emptiness). The psychotherapeutic part is usually linked to the elimination of the symptom, while the psychoanalytic part sees the symptom as an attempt of the psyche to transform itself in a profound way, and it is this insight that usually marks the beginning of a longer lasting (psycho)analysis. The Jungian approach is one of the proven approaches to psychotherapy that has a deep, qualitative and profound impact on the long-term changes in the personality of the client, as well as a constructive impact on his/her life. It is usually a multi-year process. The unconscious contents of the psyche are approached through techniques such as dreams, symbols, archetypes, active imagery, the use of mythology, fairy tales, art. Through the analysis of these contents we approach the developmental blockages, complexes and repressed contents of the unconscious. The aim is to unite the conscious and unconscious parts of the psyche and thus to establish a more qualitative balance in the psyche. By achieving wholeness, we embark on the path of individuation, which according to Jung is a lifelong process that continues after the end of therapy and is a different experience for each individual.

I offer psychotherapeutic/psychoanalytic counselling in Slovene, Italian and English. A combination of face-to-face and online work is possible. In addition to the initial meeting, I recommend 4 weekly initial meetings to see if the way of working suits you. After that, the therapy/psychoanalysis begins, where it is important to attend regular meetings, which are fixed in advance and only changed in exceptional cases.



Initial meeting (50 minut)                                                 60,00 eur


Individual treatment (50 min)                                        60,00 eur

I have a few available slots at a reduced price, but these are limited to psychotherapy students or committed individuals who, for various reasons, cannot afford the regular fee.
Please email in advance for more information.


Frequency of meetings
Psychoanalytic/psychotherapeutic treatment can take the form of counselling and a series of meetings, or we can arrange to work over a longer period of time using Jungian analysis. The length of the analysis depends on the needs of each individual. The work with analytical psychotherapy - psychology, Jungian analysis is slow, at the beginning of the process we set goals to follow and if necessary we change and adjust them. A typical psychoanalytic/psychotherapy session lasts 50 min, if necessary we can also arrange a two-hour session (1h30-1h40).

Prerequisite for entering the psychoanalytic/
counselling process

The prerequisite for entering the psychoanalytic/counselling process is a strong desire to work on oneself and, above all,
to attend meetings regularly. The terms are set in advance and are irrevocably valid. The recommended length of Jungian psychotherapy is at least 2 years or more. The course of the analysis is longer and more intensive, but its effects in the long term contribute significantly to a radical and long-lasting changes in the personality.

Cancellation of participation
Regular attendance is recommended and required. If you
are unable to attend an appointment, you are expected to
make an alternative appointment at least 48 hours in advance.
In case of emergency situations (death, extraordinary life events) cancellation is allowed. Cancellations must be made at least 48 hours before the meeting. If you do not excuse your absence, you will be charged for the full hour. In case you do not respond to the alternative appointment you are obliged to pay
the missed hour.

Due to my status as a  Router, I receive regular training at professional meetings and group and individual supervision sessions, where I consult with supervisors on client treatment. For this purpose, I use data that only includes the age and gender of the client.

Conclusion of psychotherapeutic treatment
It is desirable that after a longer treatment (2-5 years), a conclusion of the analytical treatment is made in the form of a few meetings where the analytical process is completed.